I'll be honest, one reason why I haven't built a new null modem cable yet is that I have been having a great time messing with my new Apple IIc, playing games and such. I found a cool program called ADTPro which allows me to transfer disk images to my Apple IIc from my PC. It only needs Java to run, so it's cross platform. (with machines that have Java, that is.) I found a couple boxes of blank 5.25 inch disks in the basement and copied a bunch of programs onto them. The cable I had to build (and which used the spare parts I would have used to make a new null modem cable for my Tandy) was a bit tricky because the Apple IIc doesn't have a regular serial port on it. Instead it has a 5 pin DIN. I ripped a DIN off an old AT style keyboard I had laying around and used that along with a 9 pin dsub connector. It's not pretty, but I was more intent on getting it done and getting on with playing games. Games like Taipan, Oregon Trail, Spare Change, etc.