Monday, July 7, 2008

Pickle in the MID$

Well, I have not posted in a couple days and here is why- I am on vacation and have been spending alot of time enjoying the outdoors and such. But I got tied of outdoors right about the 100th time I got bit my a mosquito, and I came inside into the cabin and finished my code. It took a while, because I could not remember for the life of me how to use the MID$ statement. Finally I broke down and read the Basic Reference, and then I tinkered until my code was done.

I have posted the source code on a forum post on the RetroChallenge forum, the link is:

There you will find my code. It's a scrolling-text demo. I spent about 5 hours total on the code itself, mainly because my skills are very rusty. My next project is going to be more ambitious, lets just say, now that I'm getting back up to speed.

One thing I learned while doing this- animations are hard to do on the Tandy 102. Especially since the screen only refreshes at 300 BAUD! Only real flaw of the machine- it has a reeeeely slow display. But I intend to make more cool things for it yet, juat wait!

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